Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Hours of access?

A: 6 am to 10 pm every day.

Q: What are the office hours?

A: Monday through Saturday, 9am – 5pm (Closed for Lunch), office is closed on Sunday.

Q: What is the temperature of the climate control?

A: between 50 degrees and 80 degrees depending on the season.

Q: What is the inside height of units?

A: The inside height of the units vary from 7 1/2 ft to 10 ft.

Q: Do you insure the contents of our unit?

A: No, it is the customers' responsibility.

Q: Can I store a vehicle in the unit?

A: Yes, but not climate control. Also, the unit must have thick cardboard or wood under any vehicle, lawn equipment, etc.

Q: Do you have security?

A: We have 18 security cameras running 24 hours a day and only tenants are allowed into the facility with a personalized code to be used at our keyed kiosk. Also, only climate control tenants are allowed in those buildings.

Q: Do you supply the lock?

A: No, you can purchase your own or we sell them.

Q: Do you mail monthly bills?

A: No, we do send out courtesy rent reminders via e-mails on the 26th of the month.

Q: Do I get a discount if I pay in advance?

A: Yes, 6 months in advance gets 2 weeks free and one year in advance gets the 13th month free.

We also offer move-in special.

Q: Can you automatically debit my credit card monthly?

A: No, we only take cash and checks, but if you pay bills online with your bank you can set us up on your recurring monthly bills.

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